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Check Out This Woman Who Gave Birth To A Nearly 14 Pound Baby

According to Australia’s 7 News First, Natashia was told during her pregnancy that the baby would be on the heavier side, but no one prepared her for just HOW big he would be.

Australian mom Natashia Corrigan gave birth to her fourth child, Brian Jr., who weighed in at 13.5 pounds!

The real kicker, though, is that Natashia delivered little Brian without an epidural. She was, however, given “laughing gas,” which is 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen.


As you might imagine, the delivery wasn’t the easiest. "It was a bit hard to get him out,” Natashia told Herald Sun. "They had to get a few extra staff members to come in and help.”

“It was a bit scary,” dad Brian told 7 News First. “But now everyone’s fine. Mum’s fine, the baby’s fine.”

BuzzFeed has reached out to Natashia for comment, but based on this recent video from her Facebook page Brian Jr. is doing great — and super cute!

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