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Jack of all trades, master of none!

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I am very certain that you have heard more than a million times this mantra, “Jack of all trades, master of none.”
How true is this expression?
Well, I don’t know about the trueness but I do know that it is not possible for someone to master everything in this world. The guys that call themselves expert just go about misleading people by making them feel you can do this, this, and that and still get the same result. Hell no!
I am sure however that Sefa and Vicky Law might find it hard to agree with me on this one. I know and I have heard Sefa remarked many times that “I am a master of all trade but master of all”. Sir, I am not sure about how you pull this up but I know that no matter how hard I try to multi-task myself by doing many things, I almost always fail.
Maybe it is about knowing yourself and what works the best for you. You might be good in multi-tasking while the other person finds it safe to wrap their head in doing just one thing per time.
I will speak for myself. I know I am not great at multi-tasking as to doing so many things at the same time. The few times I have tried to, I always end up spending loads of time treating myself with medications. Not good, right?
And the last thing you want to allow happen to you is burn out or total breakdown of your health. You need to be fine to run your business and grow it to the place where it becomes extremely successful.
Okay let me even ask; is it possible to be engaged in all trades (you should not put all your eggs in one basket) and still be an expert in all of them?
Please folks, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one.
Oluwatuyi Wisdom nice write up
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Otunba Adeyinka Damilola

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