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18 Hot Questions You Must Ask Before Starting a Relationship

Are you thinking of starting a relationship soon? Why not take time to ask yourself these few but mighty questions and sincerely provide answers to each.
 Relationship Questions  18 Questions You Must Ask Before Starting a Relationship
Look for a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed or get distracted and ask yourself the below questions: Relationship Questions
  • Am I ready for a relationship? Are there issues I need to address in my own life first?
  • Have we shared enough varied experiences to know what each other is like? Have you seen him when he’s hungry or tired? Have you seen her around ministry opportunities?
  • What do family and friends say about our relationship? (This isn’t foolproof, but being open to wise input is one of the smartest actions you can take into a relationship.)
  • Is there enough commonality in our relationship? (I’m not talking about differences in personality — often, opposites do attract. I’m talking about your faith, beliefs, commitments, and values.)
  • How does my friend relate to others? Is she respectful? Is he compassionate?
  • Is our relationship one-sided — one always giving, one always taking?
  • Have I sought God’s heart regarding our relationship? What does the Lord say about our relationship?
  • Are there deeper issues in my friend’s life that need to be addressed, but simply get avoided?
  • Am I romantically attracted to my friend? (Though it’s not the leading element of a successful marriage, romance is a gift from God.)
  • Am I feeling pressured to move forward in our relationship by my friend, others or my own expectations?
  • Are there issues in our relationship that need to be resolved first if we are to move forward?
  • Do I stay in the relationship because I don’t want to hurt my friend or myself? (Grief will certainly be felt if you brake off the relationship, but hurt is not the enemy of health.)
  • Am I trying to rescue my friend from a hurtful or painful life?
  • Do I marry simply because I’m in love? (For romance to play the part God intended it to, there needs to be a healthy foundation and frame for romance to rest upon, no matter how many goose bumps I may be experiencing.)
  • Does our relationship draw me closer to Christ?
  • Should we receive pre-engagement counseling? (Once a couple has decided to marry, especially if they have a wedding date set, each person may be a bit more guarded about sharing their weaknesses with a counselor.)
  • Could I be content if I were to remain single?
Give that last question some thought.
Don’t jump into a relationship, think first!
From: Familyparliament.com Relationship Questions

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