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Common Mistakes Women Make with Online Dating Profile Pictures

profile photos online dating

So you’re ready to get out there. You’ve joined eHarmony, set up your profile, and now you’re looking for pictures. You realize all of your recent pictures are selfies, with friends or even worse – with your ex.
You try to cut people off in the pics or blur their faces, hoping it’ll do. But you don’t get a lot of messages from relevant matches. What’s the deal?
People really do judge a book by its cover. When it comes to your online dating profile, your photos are the cover, so choose wisely.
I teamed up with DatingHeadShots.com to find the most common dating profile image mistakes and how you can fix them – using my own images as real life examples.

1. Cutting People Out / Group Shots

Full Body Cut Out vs Alone
The problem: According to eHarmony, matches who received the least amount of communication were those who included a very narrow portrait photo, where it looked as if they had clearly cut out the person next to them. If you choose not to cut people out, it brings up a whole other issue. Men are forced to figure out who you are in the shot or they begin making assumptions about who those people are, and it can lead to them losing interest.

The solution: Full body image of just you by yourself. Men are visual creatures and they want to see all of you. Here I am at a cancer walk a few years back. It’s one of my rare full body shots, but I had to cut my dear friend out vs. a full body shot taken by DHS.

2. Using Filtered Photos

filter vs no flter

The problem: You decided to go through your Instagram to find some photos and you sure do love that Valencia filter. Thing is, a study by the University of Connecticut showed that men viewed women with enhanced photos as more attractive but less trustworthy.
Here I am at a wedding a few years back with lots of filters vs. an above the waste shot without the filter.

3. Not Smiling in Your Photos


The problem: A study by the University of British Columbia revealed that men were most attracted to photos of smiling women. This isn’t a huge surprise. Men both online and offline look for cues that you are approachable and a smile gives them an indication that you are.

The solution: Leave the sultry looks off of your dating profile and smile in your photos.
Here’s my mean mug selfies vs. a close up shot of me smiling by DHS.

4. Not Showcasing Your Real Personal Style

The problem: Most of us are not taking pictures every day. We leave pictures for while we’re on vacation or on the beach and then we wonder why we’re not attracting the professional man.
If your pictures are suggestive, they’re going to attract a certain type of attention. If your pictures are you bumming on the beach or partying with your friends, they will attract a particular type of guy.

The solution: Dress to impress in your online dating profiles. If you’re not the jeans and t-shirt kind of gal, make sure your profile expresses that. Have your pictures reflect your personal style in all aspects of your life and the type of person and attention you are looking to attract. If you’re serious about finding love with the right man, make sure your pictures reflect it. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so you might as well make it a good one.

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