Friday 5 June 2020

How to launch any product or service using social media in 2020 (step by step guide)

We had an overwhelming response from the first part of this article I posted last week. Hundreds of reactions, truckload of comments from all of you wanting to learn more!
I am humbled and truly grateful for the outpouring of love. I even got a few messages in my DM. You guys are the best!
That said, let’s get down to it - I want to share with you something incredibly valuable. I want to make sure YOU can take away serious value from this post and win in 2019.
This post isn’t about me toothing my horns - even though I've earned it and I’m proud of it.
It’s about you, your business and your progress!
Let’s get down to it.
Like I mentioned in the last article (if you haven’t read it, do yourself a favor and read it first. Here's the link -
There are only 3 main parts to success online. You do not need to complicate it.
Don’t let any guru bobo you and more importantly, do not confuse yourself. There is beauty in simplicity.
The 3 stages are;
Qualifying Page - > Sales Page - > Order Page
For us, we PAID serious ATTENTION to the first moving part - A solid qualifying page.
This page is also called your landing page. It will make or break your business. It’s the single most important page in your funnel.
This page will determine if Zuckerberg will like you or not. It will determine whether you get banned or not. It will determine whether or not you lose money (something I call contributing to Mark’s retirement funds lol)
Your landing page is EVERYTHING.
The rest of the equation is straight forward.
The reason we emphasize landing page is because there is no amount of education you get in traffic generation that will replace a shitty lander. I don’t care how good you are, you have a bad lander, you’re toast. It’s that serious.
Don’t let your village people catch you lol.
Here’s how to pull together a lander that wins every time.
I call it the push-pull system.
This system made us MILLIONS on our many campaigns. Once you perfect the PUSH-PULL system, you will be able to send millions and millions of clicks to your landing page and still guarantee conversion.
TRAFFIC is important but your lander is IMPORTANTER.
The job of your lander is to QUALIFY. It is not to ‘sell’ per-se, it’s not to educate, it’s not to give plain information.
The primary job of your lander is to QUALIFY your target audience.
This is why my PUSH-PULL system works incredibly well.
Stay with me for a minute.
Push - self explanatory. Send people away. This is where you weed out the unserious people, the enquirers, the ‘i’m travelling people’ lmao (how many of you know these people lol), the ‘I ordered for my sister cousin aunty’ pipu. These guys can send someone back to the village if you’re not careful. Damn man, God knows how much we lost on these sick people.
Pull - This is where the magic happens. The Pull system helps us engage people who are serious, who are primed. See, in sales and marketing generally, mindset is everything.
The pull system engages and primes your prospective audience towards your offer. It excites them, preps them and condition them to your solution.
Remember folks, this is ALL on your lander. This is your pre-sale page NOT your sales page.
The system works so well that ONLY the people with the real NEED for your solution click to proceed.
Your PUSH copy would have sent the unserious, uninterested people away from your page.
By the time the visitor clicks the link to your sales page, they’re HOT. They’re ready to buy. They’re primed!
Primed prospects are a lot easier to sell to. They’re the one who chase you for delivery instead of your chasing them upandan.
When the PUSH and PULL technique is combined, you have a sales page that converts above average. Your conversion rate improves, your lead quality massively improves, your confirmation rate improves, your delivery rate improves, your customer satisfaction rate improve and of course, you practically eliminate refunds and or bring it down to the barest minimum.
It’s that powerful.
The PUSH-PULL lander system is a mindset.
Basically, you write to alinate. Not everyone is your customer. Don’t waste time and resources on unserious prospects. Your lander’s job is to qualify people BEFORE they hit your sales page.
Push curious people away - they’re not worth your time
Pull your ideal prospect towards you.
As I conclude this part, let me say this.
Perfecting your lander is a life long journey. As a student of marketing, you should always tweak, adjust, split test, A/B test EVERYTHING to improve conversion and lead quality.
While on the topic of conversion;
Lead quality > Conversion Rate
In english, lead quality is much more important than conversion rates.
In the same vein, Lead Quality > Cost per Acquisition.
The race is not about who paid the least for a conversion. It’s about who delivered the Most product - Money in the bank, baby!
There is no money in your bank before delivery. This is the only metrics that matter in your business!
I’ve emphasized the PUSH-PULL lander copywriting system BECAUSE it is much more important than traffic and or any facebook marketing strategy. Pay attention to it.
Over time, we tested 10s of landers and settled with about 3-5 special angles that worked really well with our audience. Once we had those, we just focused on sending as many clicks as we can profitably afford!
If you focus on traffic before tightening up your lander, you will be deserving of all the money you will lose in disobedience. I said so! LOOL.
Finally, the magic sauce… lander in place, here’s how I set up on Facebook.
CBO Campaign -> conversion optimization - Broad no interest targeting - 5 adsets - 2 ads per adset - $10 campaign budget (multiply by total ad budget) - BOOM #Winning
I know, what I wrote up there is complicated and packed.
A lot of N50k training have been sold to you off this formula alone - and it’s worth it, sincerely but here, you get the framework for FREE because, see, I make money serving my clients, my customers, I don’t make money teaching!
My mentor says, ‘he who knows does, he who doesn’t know, teaches’.
Teaching is now my passion but that’s because I am primarily a doer! My business, my clients are my number ONE priority.
CBO - Campaign Budget Optimization
Conversion Optimization is your campaign Objective
Broad Interest - Interest targeting dead in 2020. The Facebook AI is smarter now
5 Adsets
2 ads per adset
Multiply by your budget
I love micro budgets. $5-$10 CBO and ABO (adset budget optimization).
I noticed when I feed FB too much money, my conversions tanks. Each time I feed them slowly, i stay within KPI hence, this approach is my preferred method for scaling.
Speaking of scaling, there is an act and science to it, but that's a story for another day.
If you’re inclined, feel me to follow my profile, I might do a Facebook Live on the subject of Scaling your ads with Facebook someday if I get enough requests.
This article is getting too long now…
To bring everything to a close.
Use the PUSH-PULL system to write compelling landers
The quality of your lander will determine the quality of your leads
Focus exclusively on optimizing your lander
Qualifying Page - > Sales Page - > Order Page
Broad targeting on FB trumps interest targeting because, AI is smarter now
Track track track like your life depends on it, because it does.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below, I am more than happy to reply as soon as I can and as often as I can.
Feel me to follow my profile if you love my content. Click on 'Follow', then 'See first' if you want to get notifications when I post here or on my wall.
Peace ✌️

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