I would love to share something very deep with you, but you have to really love the Lord to be able to catch this. And it's okay If you don't ...
When two believers in a relationship hold hands to pray, it is more than just two flesh approaching the throne of grace in honest prayer, it is our spirit man who intercedes for us with utterances that we cannot comprehend.
In flesh we are unworthy to go before God, He cannot even search our hearts to find our desires because He knows how easily corruptible we are, and He understands how much we chase our wants more than we chase our needs. So in other for God to know what we pray for, He enquires from our spirit, it is only the spirit who can relate with God according to His will at all times, our flesh cannot even try.
Romans 8:26-27 says;
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."
You might just be there praying for God to send you a good man but what God is hearing is "Lord don't mind her, she doesn't even know her purpose yet, let alone know who is fit for marriage, please help her discover purpose, that way the right man will find her faster."
The Spirit hijacks and rearranges your prayer points in such a way that it falls into God's will. Because our ways and our will is different from His, the Spirit takes what we want and converts it to what we need.
When two believers in a relationship hold hands to pray, it is possible that the spirit man inside bae is telling the spirit man inside boo that:
"look boo, this relationship is a good one, I mean you're my brother in Spirit but you know we are not compatible for each other, we cannot encourage this to go on when we already know how it will end, what do you think?"
The spirit man in boo says:
"True bae, you're right, we honestly have to end this now."
Hehe, you two might just be there praying in tongues about getting married next year while your spirit men have already deliberated and concluded on your matter. And you just won't know it, because it is not you who prays but your spirit man who finds expression inside you.
Have you ever been in a good relationship where all of a sudden for no explainable reason the relationship ends? Just like that, you are not hurt, your partner is not hurt, disappointed that the goal was not achieved yes, but it still ends mutually, with a smile and happy wishes to go with it. Well, I have. For those who have had this experience before i know you catch it. That kind of breakup that is difficult to explain what happened, it just ends.
Well, this is what happens, your spirit men could not connect with each other on that level, they were just better as friends, but for marriage? Naaa, they saw what would happen to that 'good' relationship a year later, and so they took a decision on your behalf.
Write this down somewhere guys, it is so important:
"When a good christian relationship ends, it is because the spirit man inside you and that of your partner couldn't connect on the level of marriage, so be grateful for the lessons you have learnt from that relationship, and know that every decision was taken for your good."
One amazing thing about keeping a Godly relationship is how God will cause the relationship to end before He let's you two walk into a wrong marriage, the Holy Spirit is just a priceless marriage insurance, So priceless.
Written By Victor Willz Firdance
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