...Radiating the light for others to see.



Gone are the days when good name are the pursuit of our forefathers. This, they kept as their treasure and never bothered about the acquisition of endless wealth. Truly, there is a fact that money is essential in a man’s life, and so cannot do without it sometimes. Yet, there are some valuable things that money cannot control, among these things is life. Wealth is not master of the life, and neither can it control its availability. And this has been one of the reasons why some of our fore fathers bothered not about acquiring wealth, but good names, which will last longer.
        Despite the fact that riches is not a determinant of a mans comfort, some people still see it as something they must acquire through any means as a result of their getting rich quick syndrome. By this they make acquisition of wealth their main objective, forgetting that man not dwell in riches forever and that a time will come when man will be six feet below without all has labored for all his life
        But it is rather unfortunate that most people don’t see this as a reason to live by dictate of their fate. So, all this makes them indulge in some anti social behavior, which might impose on them a bad image of their personality within and outside their society. In the society today, there are lots of avenue to making quick and less laboured for money. It could be through all at drugs trafficking which most of the celebrities do, and this goes in contradiction with what they ought to shows as good example to the populace. Also, most Nigerian youths, now take advantage of the rapid development in technology by taking part in duping the white people through the internet. This called “yahoo-yahoo”. It creates a bad picture about this developing country in other foreign hands. All these and more are what people do to get rich quick. Considering not that good name exists forever even after the death of the bearer but is transient and when life is no more.

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